Why You May Keep Receiving Mail Even After Working Out a Solution to Foreclosure
by Nick Adama
Even after setting up a payment plan or modifying the terms of a loan to avoid foreclosure, some homeowners keep receiving post cards and letters from attorneys and other companies. These often include sales pitches threatening them with foreclosure, sheriff sale, and eviction, but offer various services to save the home. It may be quite confusing for homeowners as to why they keep receiving such letters, because they believe they have worked out a solution to foreclosure. However, there are three main reasons why these letters may keep coming. Two of them are most likely not a big deal, but the third should give the foreclosure victims a strong reason to contact the courts or local sheriff's office for more assistance. More than likely, though, the reason for the continuing letters offering foreclosure services will be one of the first two, making their appearances relatively unimportant, although they may be somewhat irritating reminders of the foreclosure experience.
- In most cases of foreclosure, working out a repayment plan does not actually end the foreclosure process -- it just puts it on hold until the owners pay back the amounts they have fallen behind. They are still behind in the mortgage and in foreclosure until the loan is completely reinstated. Of course, many workout solutions may take months to complete, so the owners will keep receiving mail for quite a while.
The lender may be keeping their lawyers on retainer and not informed them that there is a solution that has been worked out and approved for the short term. Lawyers are also not very efficient and may just keep sending the foreclosure victims the same collection letters threatening foreclosure until the homeowners are completely paid back in the defaulted amount over the term of the workout plan. - The homeowners may be getting letters from foreclosure help companies and attorneys offering their services to help them save their home. In this case, these companies are not affiliated with the mortgage company or its attorneys, but are offering their own third-party assistance programs. Most of these companies get their property and homeowner information from public records, which may not be updated once the property is out of foreclosure.
These foreclosure services companies would not know if the owners have put the process on hold with a forbearance agreement, so the owners will remain on their mailing lists. Thus, it should not be too surprising that they will receive mail offering foreclosure help for quite a while. This, however, does not actually affect any of the negotiations with the mortgage company. - The lender is lying to the homeowners, their house is scheduled for auction, and they are just keeping the owners' workout plan payments to get as much money as possible out of them before selling the house. In this case, the foreclosure victims should call the county courthouse or sheriff's department to find out if their house is scheduled for a county auction.
But this possibility would be more easy to tell, because the bank and its own lawyers would send out information relating to the foreclosure lawsuit or sheriff sale. Other companies offering help would also send out information, but the lender itself would also be attempting to continue to collect and threaten the sale of the home at auction. Homeowners in foreclosure are almost guaranteed to keep receiving mail long after they have found a solution to stop foreclosure. If the letters and postcards comes from the bank's lawyers, it may be due to the fact that the workout plan has only put the foreclosure process on hold. Mail from foreclosure assistance companies indicates there is a good chance their information gathered from public records data is out of date. But if the lender itself keeps threatening to auction the house and has set a date for it, the homeowners should get clarification of the true status of their home so that it is not sold out from under them while they are making payments on a plan they believed would save their home. The ForeclosureFish website has been created to provide homeowners in danger of losing their houses with the most up to date foreclosure help and advice. The site describes various methods that may be used to save a home, such as loss mitigation, postponing a sheriff sale, foreclosure loans, short sales, and more. Visit the site to read more articles about how foreclosure works and how the process may be avoided before it is too late: http://www.foreclosurefish.com/ |
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